EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. has its headquarters in Ansfelden near Linz in Austria and specialises in the development and manufacturing of plastics recycling systems and components. Founded in 1983, the company is now the world market leader. Some 7,800 EREMA recycling systems are now in use worldwide. With subsidiaries in the USA, China and Africa, as well as around another 50 representatives on all five continents, the company has a reliable network to implement customised plastics recycling solutions for customers around the world and promote a circular economy.
The product range in detail
• INTAREMA® plastics recycling systems for standard applications and production waste
• INTAREMA® plastics recycling systems for heavily printed/contaminated post-consumer waste (FDA-approved for HDPE recycling)
• PET recycling systems VACUREMA® and VACUNITE® (FDA, efsa and brand owner approved, e.g. for bottle to bottle recycling)
• Inline PET applications (e.g. for fibre, film, strapping and preforms)
• COREMA® plastics recycling system for the production of highly filled and customised compounds
• CHEMAREMA® series for mechanical input material preparation upstream of subsequent chemical recycling processes
• Fully automatic, self-cleaning melt filters
• Pelletising systems